A man lost his home in an accident, but he didn't leave his little cat.
A Turkish man, who attracted international attention after the dramatic photos of his burning house
while holding his little cat, he began living in his reconstructed home in Bolu province, western .Turkey.
Photos of Mee holding her little cat called "Sarakz" while watching her house in flames went viral on social media and her heartbreaking story attracted worldwide interest
what happens?
The 83-year-old lost her village house when it was destroyed by an accidental fire.
Moved by the plight of the old man and the little cat, a joint campaign for the construction of a new home in Mee was launched by the Mudurnu Social Assistance and Solidarity Foundation, the Bolu Town Hall, the Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Turkish Red Crescent.
Ahmet Mee said that his father was very happy to finally have a house in his village with his little cat
"He's happy right now. My brother takes care of him when he goes to the village.
I take care of him when he is in Bolu. He spends time with his two cats and my brother when he is in the village," he said.
In January, Mee's house in the village of Ordular was destroyed after he accidentally started a fire while trying to turn on his gas heating.
His efforts were in vain and resulted in an explosion in the living room.
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CNN shared an image captured by The Anadolu Agency, which received nearly 100,000 "likes," and Open next page to read more